Product ID: DE04

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Chemical Resistance
100% methanol, ethanol, alcohol and ideal for concentrated or dilute
acids and caustic alkali, cutting oils, aromatic solvents, glycol/water
solutions, coal tar, naphtha, ethylene glycol and ketones.
NOT for use on ethanol blended gasoline. (Less than 100% ethanol)
GASOlLA® DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
is a soft setting sealant for tough applications.
Designed for systems carrying urea-based chemical
reactant used in SCR systems (DEF).
Neoprene based product with nely ground minerals.
Typical Uses
Excellent performance with systems handling
Diesel Exhaust Fluid.
Can be used on brass, copper, stainless steel, aluminum, black pipe, tin,
galvanized pipe, ABS plastic, CPVC, plastic, nylon, PVC, polyethylene,
polypropylene and more. Test on plastic pipe before using.
Chemical Resistance
100% methanol, ethanol, alcohol and ideal for concentrated or dilute
acids and caustic alkali, cutting oils, aromatic solvents, glycol/water
solutions, coal tar, naphtha, ethylene glycol and ketones.
NOT for use on ethanol blended gasoline. (Less than 100% ethanol)
Set Time
Depending on conditions, up to 8 hours.
Dries to the touch in 4 hours
Available in 1/4 pint brush-top lid